It’s time to get back to work, but how will you manage your schedule and your child’s virtual learning? ​
As schools begin to share their remote learning programs many parents are struggling to manage their work schedules while following their child's new virtual school routine.
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RNS is here to help!

RNS had developed a solution that provides parents child care and children help with their remote learning .. as well as an exciting afternoon enrichment program. On days your child is home from school but still learning remotely, RNS is here to help. During your child’s remote learning school hours, our staff will assist students with virtual classwork and assignments so families can enjoy quality time together at the end of the day. A certified teacher will be on-site to provide support for both classwork and homework. During breaks in your child’s learning schedule, and once the school day has ended, our staff will engage students in outdoor education, recreation, and enrichment activities that help children understand the world around them and develop strong social-emotional skills.
Our program includes virtual learning support during the hours your child is attending class online, enrichment activities once their school day is over.
Enrichment Activities

Enrichment Activities will continue to follow our signature STEAM intergraded curriculum offering your child comprehensive, thematic based activities designed to support and nurture students across all areas of development, including social-emotional, physical, language, cognitive, and creative.

Every month, the class will investigate a new
theme and explore the world around them through literacy, science, social studies, mathematics, and art activities. They will learn to ask questions, problem solve and discover a joy of learning.

The addition of before and after care is also available.

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